Sunday 20 March 2016

Sunday Smashbook Show and Tell 5

This week Smashbook Show and Tell is coming on a Sunday, not the usual Saturday. Yesterday my boyfriend dragged me out into horribly busy old London Town and when I got home I was too exhausted to write my blog post. It seemed silly to put off my post for a week just because it was a different day to usual. Anyway it still makes for an alliterative title :P

So onto this weeks pages! You can see the process of making these pages (and two other, unfinished ones) here.

Firstly a bright, neon, alien, weird page.

This might be my favourite page I've done so far. I couldn't really say why, I just think it all works together and is eyecatching and fun.

The main image is a postcard I bought from Paperchase, I don't know who this alien dude is but he looks awesome. The yellow polka dot square behind him was a paper bag that I think was part of the packaging from my Mrs Brimbles order. I chose to put it on this Smashbook page with slightly wonky grid lines just so there was a hint of a background but the main focus was on the image and colours.


I bordered the page with 2 neon pink washi tapes. One is plain and quite thin (from Tiger) an the other is wider and has white stars (from The Works). I added two stamps, a shooting star and lightning, because I thought the black would really pop against the bright yellow and pink and the shapes seemed to fit with the image. The stamps are from Paperchase but I got them on ebay and have no idea what collection they were originally from or when they were released.

Finally I just wanted to add some small stickers to add interest and break up the page. I chose these neon orange arrows from Paperchase. I just wanted to make this page as bright and eye-searing as I could!

The next page is more of a jumble, which actually I'm really pleased about. I'm trying to make my pages less themed and more 'free' and less structured. It does have a sort of circusy look to it though. 

I've covered up most of the backing page (this time it is a proper non-wonky grid) but left a bit down the bottom which had a nice quote.


The pink and white striped thing was another paper bag from an order, complete with a little thank you sticker. I bordered two edges with a candy-striped washi tape (from The Works)

The weird little oll is a sort of business card type thing from a shop called Bobby Dazzler. I also added an old membership card, a business card from my shop Callooh and Callay, a Moomins clothing label and half a cinema ticket. There was no real reason behind any of these things, I just played around with loads of scraps to see what I thought looked good.


Down here I added a little illustration of a monkey (I have no idea where it came from) a nice vintage style pointing hand sticker from Ikea and finally I added some red star stamps because they went with the circus-ish look of the page and some tiny neon yellow gems to add colour.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope you had a great weekend!

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